Parade Safety.Org And Hayride Safety.Org

Reiff & Bily Blog

Paradesafety.Org And
Please know that another child or adult can be hurt or a loss of life happen today, next week, next month due to NO SAFETY INFORMATION OR STANDARDS...Help Us Save Lives!

We have been addressing the safety of parade float's for over 9 years but our own Government ignores our facts.  They care more about you drinking SODA than Parade Safety.

The Dangerous Trailer and Hayride Injury Lawyers of Reiff and Bily Proudly Salute the Efforts of Ron J. Melancon of Richmond, Virginia

Posted On: November 14, 2008 by Jeffrey M. Reiff

The Dangerous Trailer and Hayride Injury Lawyers of Reiff and Bily Proudly Salute the Efforts of Ron J. Melancon of Richmond, Virginia

Philadelphia Amusement and Hayride Accident Lawyers of Reiff and Bily Salute Ron Melancon and

Ron has been a step ahead of government officials and many lawyers. Ron has recognized that many trailers used for hayrides and other utilities are under 3,000 lbs. and fall below federal guidelines. These trailers do not need to be inspected. You can build one on your own and use it yourself or sell it. As Ron has recognized, there is very little regulation addressed with trailers under 3,000 lbs. Most state laws are silent regarding design or construction specification for utility trailers used in hayrides or for towing hitches. Obviously, a potentially dangerous situation exists using these trailers for hayrides or even on the roads of the Commonwealth. In many cases, we find trailers have obvious violations of safety codes that related to lighting, braking and inspection requirements.

The unregulation of the hayride and trailer obviously allows profit hungry operators to cut corners on safety, often leading to preventable catastrophic injuries of innocent children.

We urge you to link to Ron’s website at We salute Ron’s efforts to become a crusader for public safety and in his attempts to keep the public informed of the dangerous situations of unregulated trailers and hayrides in the United States and abroad. Consumer advocacy is what change in laws and regulations is all about.

The hayride and defective trailer accident lawyers at Reiff and Bily fight to keep consumers’ rights protected. As attorneys, we feel this makes our life full of purpose by helping injured people as opposed to helping companies. Reiff and Bily is a Pennsylvania law firm that has been litigating catastrophic injury, defective product and wrongful death cases since 1979. We champion the rights of consumers to restore safety and regulation and dignity to the lives of victims and their families injured or killed in catastrophic and unavoidable accidents. We salute the efforts of Ron Melancon, a champion of consumer rights.

Reiff and Bily has recovered more than $150,000,000 in settlements and judgments for its clients, including cases against the largest automobile and truck manufacturers in the world. For more information, please visit our website at

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Your Government is more concerned with SODA than this...

Would Float Railing Have Prevented N.H. Parade Tragedy?

East News
Would Float Railing Have Prevented N.H. Parade Tragedy?

December 6, 2006

A bill rejected by the state Legislature four years ago would have required a safety railing on parade floats  a measure that might have prevented the death of a 9-year-old boy in Portsmouth's holiday parade.


To be the premier web site dedicated to PARADE FLOAT SAFETY.

Our mission is to make a "National Standard" that all parades must follow in order to prevent needless deaths due to our public safety officials lack of basic fundamentals of safety due to these unsafe parades.

We are seeking support from indivuals and our own Government to make RECOMMENDATIONS so any public organization can find "Solutions" to prevent needless loss of lives due to this growing concern.

It is about time our Government stops fighting our RECOMENDATIONS and help us prevent Children, Men, Women and Even Animals from loosing their lives due to this un-regulated and lack of Parade Safety Standards.


Article ONE Click Here! 2008!!! Who Is Incompetent?

Article Two Click Here!

Article Three Click Here!

Article Four Click Here!

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